Sunday, October 2, 2011

Why I Choose to Follow Religion? (2)

I decided to write the second part of why I choose to follow religion after reading this article. If you are Malay and also a Muslim you should read the article. There are three things in the article that caught my attention. Before that let me make things clear, the things that I wrote here is my opinion only based on the little knowledge that I have. The Almighty God knows best.

Some of us including myself sometimes are prone to use the word perfect instead of the Arabic word syumul when describing Islam. For many Muslims when they said Islam is perfect, I think they are referring to the Arabic word syumul. However for non-muslims and also a few muslims the word perfect can be a big issue to them. According to UK English Thesaurus the word PERFECT have many synonyms like complete, absolute, whole, finished, precise, and accurate. For some people they define Perfect as something that explains and discusses everything into every minute detail. They expect the Holy Quran which we Muslims say perfect to tell the biochemical reaction and all the calculations to prove the scientific evidence in the Furqan (other name for Al-Quran) per se.

There is a hadeeth that said;

ilmu Allah itu jika ditulis dengan dakwat, sehingga kering air laut di muka Bumi pun belum tentu mencukupi.”

Kalau ada depa yang loya buruk cakap macam ni “ala~ internet kan ada. Dunia tanpa sempadan, boleh je nak terangkan semua dengan terperinci.” If that is what you think, fine. Let say Allah S.W.T put everything that we want to know in the Quran, can you imagine how many books of Quran you have to read Vol 1, 2, 3…. , millions of external HD are needed to save The Text. Even the 604 pages of Quran you rarely read, understand the meaning and bring it everywhere, but now you asked for more? Jokes!!! MashaAllah, verily He Knows better. Al- Quran is that thick so that it can benefit everyone not only for the genius. If you read Quran understand the meaning and you follow the teaching InsyaAllah you will be granted pahala. The next thing either you want to do scientific research on every facts that are there in Quran or not is up to you. You can try to be like Abu Bakar As-Siddiq yang membenarkan everything that the prophet said or you can try to be like Ar-Razi or Ibnu Sina the well-known Islamic scholars.

To be continued…


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