Friday, September 2, 2011

Why I Choose to Follow Religion? (1)

Have you ever asked this question to yourself “Why do I choose to follow religion?”, regardless you believe in Quran, Bible or other religious scriptures. Have you ever put a thought on that?

People who don’t believe in religions might give the arguement, “why don’t we just take every good things in every religion je, macam tu kan ok?” . I have one question, how can you tell which one is good or bad. If you let people to decide themselves which is good or bad, they basically will pick the one that give benefit to oneself only, to satisfy their desire atau dalam bahasa Melayu orang kata ikut nafsu. Nak pakai bikini sahaja keluar jalan pun boleh, nak jadi gay pun boleh. That will happen if you only agree with civil law freedom to do whatever you want to do.

Having to belief in one religion, i believe will help us to see what is right and what is wrong. It also makes us different from other creatures. We have The Book to guide us through this life because God had choosen us, mankind to be His ambassador on earth. But if we choose to abondon all those guidance and just follow our instinct, then what’s the difference between we human and those animals.

“You people who have faith in religion are idiots and crazy. Good things happen you smile, bad things happen you smile. You don’t have feeling or what. You’re just a bunch of schmuck!!” Dude chill la bro. Why are you jealous to see me happy? That’s the different between you and me. You don’t believe in heaven and the life hereafter, but we do believe in all those things. I choose to follow a religion because it makes me happy all the time. If you want to be happy, have faith my brother. *smile*. I’m not doing interfaith discussion here, this is me aswering to those who asked me why I’m not an atheist.

And when it is said to them, "Believe as the people have believed," they say, "Should we believe as the foolish have believed?" Unquestionably, it is they who are the foolish, but they know [it] not. Quran (2:13)


1 comment:

Hanafee said...

The effort of making a counter argument is a good thing... however you need a better "pro-atheist" argument... that way youll be able to create a better pro-religion argument...

Another argument in a smaller context which i think you find interesting is that Malay Muslims believe that the Islam is the perfect religion (perfect here in a sense that it teaches you everything) and Malays especially demand people conform to this mentality and that is difficult for atheists to swallow....

read this and see if you can come up with a counter argument... remember it doesnt target Islam specifically but rather Malay Muslims....

Glad to see youre thinking about these things!!