Day after day, I come to realize that everything in this world is simple. The only thing that makes this world looks like so complicated, unfair, and devastating is the human itself. You ride a bike and then you get yourself in an accident. Do you blame the bike manufacturer for the accident?? It is you who ride the bike, so literally it is your mistake. If you follow the rules, then everything will be fine, everyone will be happy. I mean the rules that had been written long time ago before the creation of this world. Islam itu SYUMUL.
“... This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion...” (Al-Maidah:3)
I believe in other religions, they also encourage their devotees to promote good deeds and to respect the others regardless of their belief. RESPECT.
Whatever it is, there will always be two sides. Good and bad as how we always look at it. Somehow I don’t like to use that terms. How can you determine one side is bad and the other is good? You tell me. Do your really know that person? Is it because of your gut telling you that he/she is a bad person? Or you just follow what others do?
God make every one of us different from each other for a reason. Some are optimistic and there are others that pessimistic. It is for us to learn from each other, NOT TO CONDEMN each other. The point of having two parties is to do the ‘checks-and-balances’. It isn’t sinful to voice out your thoughts but try to do it in a respectful way. Again RESPECT. Everybody makes a mistake. As long as you admit your mistake and you learn from it, which is good enough for me. Orang yang menegur and ditegur masing-masing kena buat reflection. Sometimes the way we ‘tegur’ agak menyakitkan hati juga, perasan tak?? But still we can improve on that right. InshaALLAH kalau niat baik everything will be fine.
“ Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles” –Ralph Waldo Emerson-
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