Friday, September 20, 2013

Valley of Ambiguity

Many years ago when I was still in high school, I was very clear about my future planning, what I want to do later after finishing high school, then after graduating from college I hope to work at a place close to my hometown, then buy a car, later a house and only after that I will get married.

Those were my thoughts at that time. I was so naive to think that life is that simple like driving on a highway, everything will happen according to the plan, but I was wrong.

Sometimes when we drive on a highway, something  unexpected happen that leave us no choice but to take another route and to make a small amendment in our plan. And when we want to make that small amendment, once in a while we had to make small sacrifice.

For the past three years there are several important events that had occurred in my life. The truth may be hard to handle, even harder to accept. But Allah always has better plans for us. If it's meant to be, it will be.

But I never blame anyone, what else The Creator Himself for those unexpected things that had happened in my life. I take it as a challenge and as a motivation for me to be more prepared in the future.

Yes, this life is full of ambiguity. We don’t know what will happen in the future. People change. People live. People die. Things exist. Things disappear. Everything in this world is in motion. If we sit and do nothing we will be left behind. If we sit and do nothing we will lost in the valley of ambiguity.


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