Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Reminder For Us Young Daie

I am grateful to have friends who have always keep reminding each other about Islam, and encourage us to do amar makruf nahi munkar. You don’t have to be Ustaz, Ulama’, Imam or Bilal to tell others to do good deeds. There’s a hadeeth that said,

“Sampaikanlah daripadaku walaupun sepotong ayat”

As someone who has very little knowledge about Arabic language, hadeeth and the meaning of Quran, I am trying my best to understand and follow the teaching in the Holy Quran and hadeeth. Whenever I have questions regarding Islam, I asked my mom to ask the questions to any Ustaz that she knows and sometimes I do watch video ceramah from YouTube. You can find Ustaz Azhar Idrus, Ustaz Kazim Elias, Ustaz Hasrizal and also Dr. Zakir Naik. If there are things that can bring benefit to me and others I will share my knowledge with them. However if that thing is not Wajib (compulsory) or there’s a Khilaf about it, then I have no right to force others to follow what I believe.

The thing that we Muslims should know is, in the Holy Quran there are ayat mutasyabbihat (kurang jelas maksudnya atau mempunyai banyak erti) dan ayat muhkamat (jelas maksudnya). Examples of ayat muhkamat are those in the Quran that clearly explains about halal, haram, hudud etc. Since ayat mutasyabbihat the meaning is unclear, they can raise a lot of questions. For me personally, I think it’s a good thing to have a discussion about ayat mutasyabbihat, because through usrah and discussion we can look into the matter from different point of view. That way InsyaAllah we can understand the ayat better.

The problem with some of us is, we are being narrow-minded *pardon me*. We only stick with one opinion while there are many other opinions. And the worst thing is, we try to influence others to follow us. The analogy is like this, a student asked his teacher a question and the teacher couldn’t answer it or maybe malas nak fikir *pardon me again*. Instead of saying “I don’t know the answer,” he told his student “you shouldn’t think too much.” Yes there are things that only Allah knows the answer, but Islam never forbid us from thinking. As a matter of fact there are many verses in the Quran that encourage us to think. We must start using our brain to think deeply, to help the ummah moving forwards and triumph great achievement.

“Ini adalah sebuah kitab yang Kami turunkan kepadamu penuh dengan berkah supaya mereka memperhatikan ayat-ayatnya dan supaya mendapat pelajaran orang-orang yang mempunyai fikiran.” (Quran 38:29)

“Sesungguhnya pada kisah-kisah mereka itu terdapat pengajaran bagi orang-orang yang mempunyai akal.” (Quran 12:111)

Kekadang ada orang niatnya baik nak ajak kawan kearah kebaikkan, tetapi caranya lebih kepada mengongkong. Akibat tersalah cara dan kurang common-sense/hikmah ini lah yang menyebabkan, orang lain terutamanya yang bukan Muslim melihat Islam dengan satu pandangan yang negative. Sebagai contoh beriadah bermain bowling bersama kawan-kawan lelaki dan perempuan tidak salah, berkelah tidak salah, bercakap dengan bukan mahram tidak salah tetapi perlulah mengikut garis panduan yang diajar dalam islam. Islam tidak pernah mengongkong nafsu manusia, malah sentiasa memberi jalan penyelesaian yang terbaik. Salah satu contoh adalah perkahwinan. Satu perkara kita harus sentiasa ingat, Islam bukanlah agama paksaan. Tiada paksaan sama ada ke atas Muslim dan Non-Muslim. Tanggungjawab kita adalah untuk mengajak manusia ke arah kebaikkan, selebihnya terserah kepada ALLAH untuk membuka pintu hati mereka.

We can say, “I don’t care what other people say, Allah knows my intention.” Yes, it is true that we have a good intention, but if it hurts other people feelings macam mana? HabluminAllah wahabluminannas. If there is a chance for us to improve ourselves so that our work of dakwah can be improved why don’t we give it a try? My fellow Muslim brothers and sisters kalau kita boleh menegur orang, kita pun perlu bersedia menerima teguran, so let us change together and be a better Muslim for Islam. Salam Maal Hijrah.

“Ciri orang yang beradab ialah dia sangat rajin dan suka belajar, dia tidak malu belajar daripada orang yang berkedudukan lebih rendah daripadanya.” –Confucius-


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nurhelmi @ mentol

teruskan berdakwah skem!! n sampai kan islam tu ^_^