Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Cermin Diri

53 years of independence we can see lots of changes in Malaysia, physically. More and more new landscapes being developed on this sacred soil that was once known as Suvarna Bhumi. There’s nothing wrong with physical development, but we shouldn’t put aside maturity of attitude and thoughts. If you are the same age as me, after 21 years try to evaluate yourself do self reflection. Have you turn out to be a better person after all these years, or are you still the same person who got nothing to talk about with your friends other than gossiping about others and the one who just know how to talk crap.

As we grown older our attitude should also become more mature as well. For those who think that getting mature will turn you into a no-fun-person, that is total crap. Being matured you can still play video games, you can still play remote control cars, you can still hangout with your buddies and laugh your head off.

Maturity in thoughts in the sense that you yourself want to do something that will make your country and religion so proud of you. Being proud and talking about others achievement will do no good to you. One simple example, “sekolah aku tahun 200* dapat nombor 1 dalam PMR seluruh Malaysia”. So what!!?? That was last year. That was other’s batch story. You and your batch mates have to make your own story. Sampai bila nak berbangga dengan sejarah yang ada, sedangkan kita tak ada usaha nak ukir sejarah baru atau sekurang-kurangnya kekalkan prestasi yang ada.

Maturity in attitude is the most vital aspect in the process to produce great quality of leaders that can do good and bring prosperity to his religion, country and people.

All the years that we’ve been carrying it and reading it every day,

We got so caught up with keeping it safe; we forgot to live by what we learned from it,

And what’s that?

Do for others more than you do for yourself”


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