Saturday, July 17, 2010

You Want Perfection?

There is no doubt that every single person in this world is looking for a perfect life. It is in our nature to choose the best option for ourselves and the community. When it comes to religion, the concept is the same. We will look for the best. So whenever people ask you, why do you choose to be a Muslim? The answer is simple, because ISLAM is perfect. It leads people to perfection. That is what they call syumul in Arabic or menyeluruh in Malay. ISLAM is not just about pray 5 times a day, it is about everything.

adab in front of food, how to eat, how to drink

adab with people, parents, wife, children, neighbours

adab as a leader. How to run a business, how to run a country

adab of punishment

adab in the toilet/washroom

adab when you are together with your wife

adab of learning

In ISLAM there are guidelines for everything. For every task that we do, there is Dua’ for it. Before and after. So, there is nothing better than a religion that teaches and guides mankind in every single aspect of life from bottom to top, that religion is ISLAM. You want satisfaction and perfection in life. Learn about ISLAM, get to know ISLAM, and love ISLAM.

p/s: Semoga post ini dapat memberi manfaat kepada sekalian umat sejagat, untuk mengenal Islam bagi yang bukan Muslim, dan mensyukuri nikmat ISLAM bagi yang Muslim. Mudah-mudahan kita akan sentiasa berada di bawah rahmat dan perlindungan Tuhan Empunya Alam.


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