Monday, November 9, 2009

Sign of weakness???

I haven’t been crying for quite some time, because I don’t want them, those who I care the most to worry about me.

I don’t want them to see the other side of me, my weakness I should say... because one day, I’ll be the one who is going to look after them. I have to be strong. A ‘leader’ should be bold and invincible.

For the past few months, I cried. Twice. Both times, I was thinking of someone. Is it a sign of weakness? “Men don’t cry” this is what they said.

Now I know why it is man alone who laughs. He alone suffers so deeply that he had to invent laughter.

Guys and girls.. If you want to cry, don't cry because your girlfriend/boyfriend left you. That is the stupidest thing to do and you just 'wasting' your tears.

Golongan yang akan mendapat naungan arasy Allah, " Lelaki apabila mengingati Allah bersendirian menitis airmatanya"


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