Friday, December 27, 2013

Work Harder and Earn More

Most Malaysians are well informed (I assumed) with the increasing price of certain goods and services for the next coming years, petrol, sugar, house, toll, electricity just to name a few, and so without any doubt it will affect the living cost majority of the people (the rakyat) in the near future . I believe most of the people are taken aback by the announcements, and this we can see from the countless numbers of negative remarks been made in social networks, blogs, newspaper column, and interviews.

Few days back I have read an article from an interview with a well known motivational speaker in the country about how we should response to the current situation. In the article it says she encouraged people to look at the situation from a different perspective, instead of being carried away by our emotions. She mentioned that if we look at it negatively then the outcome will be negative, but if we look at it with positive mind then the outcome will also be positive. As usual, there are few comments from the readers who didn’t agree with her view. They claimed that, she didn’t know what are those people from the low and medium income group have to go through since she is a professional with a stable income.

I do agree with what the readers had commented, and at the same time I also agree with what she is trying to tell us to do. I think it is normal for people to react that way when their life and their family’s life are at risk. Yes, I was once like that too. What I recommend is, brothers and sisters, give yourself some time to calm down and think. You know when you are angry, so don’t make decisions when you are angry because you cannot reason well during that period of time.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

2013: Peristiwa dan Pengajaran

Sudah lama rasanya penulis tidak menulis tentang keadaan semasa, menyepikan diri dan berada di dalam zon selesa sendiri itu lebih baik sekali sekala. Kita sudah pun hampir sampai ke penghujung tahun 2013. Jika dilihat kembali kepada rentetan peristiwa yang berlaku sepanjang tahun ini, tidak salah jika penulis katakan tahun 2013 adalah tahun yang banyak memberi pengajaran dan peringatan buat kita, rakyat Malaysia khususnya.

Untuk negara Tanah Tumpahnya Darahku ini, pada awal tahun negara masih lagi dengan krisis pengganas di Lahad Datu Sabah, namun itu tidak menghalang kempen pilihan raya umum ke 13 yang mana kemuncaknya menyaksikan parti komponen Barisan Nasional memperoleh mandat untuk menerajui negara bagi tempoh satu penggal lagi. Seperti mana musim-musim pilihan raya yang lepas, PRU13 tidak lari daripada pelbagai bentuk "drama" pra dan pasca PRU. Dalam usaha SPR menambah baik proses pilihan raya di Malaysia, masih terdapat kekurangan dan penulis percaya ia boleh terus diperbaiki pada masa akan datang.

Dalam tahun ini juga kita dapat menyaksikan banyak kes jenayah homicide menggunakan senjata api yang melibatkan beberapa orang awam dan individu berprofil tinggi yang telah dilaporkan di dalam akhbar dan berita. Jika dahulu kes jenayah yang dilaporkan banyak berlaku pada waktu malam di kawasan kurang orang awam, tetapi trend terkini menunjukkan kes jenayah di negara banyak berlaku di tempat terbuka dan sesetengahnya pada waktu siang. Keganasan anggota 'geng' dan gejala mafia ini adalah tidak dapat dinafikan sangat membimbangkan rakyat dan juga pelancong dari luar secara tidak langsung.

Pada penghujung bulan Ogos, seluruh negara dikejutkan dengan insiden ngeri yang melibatkan sebuah bas ekspress yang terjunam ke dalam gaung ketika dalam perjalanan ke Genting Highland. Seramai 37 mangsa terbunuh dalam kemalangan tersebut yang telah mendapat perhatian seluruh rakyat Malaysia yang turut bersimpati terhadap ahli keluarga mangsa yang terlibat dalam nahas. Kemudian pada bulan November baru-baru ini, berita telah melaporkan beberapa negeri di pantai timur dan selatan tanah air yang dilanda banjir teruk setelah hujan turun tanpa henti selama beberapa hari. Anggaran kos kerugian akibat banjir ini dianggarkan bernilai puluhan juta ringgit dan kesemua mangsa yang terkesan daripada bencana alam sememangnya memerlukan apa sahaja bentuk pertolongan bagi meneruskan kehidupuan seperti sedia kala. Bantulah mereka dengan apa yang kita mampu.

Dan sebagai penutup tahun 2013 kita telah sedia maklum tentang kenaikkan pelbagai harga barang antaranya minyak petrol, gula, harga rumah, cukai pintu, tambang LRT dan diikuti kemudian dengan pengumuman tentang kenaikkan tariff elektrik, tol dan pelaksanaan GST oleh pihak kerajaan. Walaupun pihak kerajaan cuba memberi penjelasan rasional tentang kenaikkan harga barangan, tetapi hal ini telah diburukkan dengan beberapa komen daripada menteri yang pada hemat penulis tidak langsung melambangkan taraf pemikiran seorang menteri yang sepatutnya berasa prihatin dengan nasib rakyat. 

Secara keseluruhannya setiap peristiwa yang berlaku di sepanjang tahun ini mungkin ada hikmahnya. Mungkin ia merupakan satu 'wake up call' untuk kita rakyat Malaysia yang selama ini terlena dibuai dengan kata-kata dan idea yang membuatkan kita berasa terlampau selesa dengan apa yang kita ada. Ya kita perlu bersyukur dengan segala nikmat yang sedia ada, tetapi itu tidak bermakna kita hanya perlu berada di takuk lama dan tidak bergerak kehadapan. Seperti mana tahun-tahun sebelumnya, marilah kita sama-sama berazam dan berusaha menjadi lebih baik, lebih hebat, lebih bagus dan cemerlang pada tahun hadapan. Semoga Allah memberkati kita semua.


Friday, December 13, 2013

Beware: Supermarket Scam

Anda baru sahaja keluar dari kaunter pembayaran di pasaraya dan kemudian anda didekati oleh ‘salesman’ yang menawarkan tiket gores dan menang. Anda pun menggores tiket yang diberi dan wow! anda memenangi baucar ringgit sekian-sekian dan ia boleh digunakan untuk membeli barang yang ditawarkan. Kemudian untuk menjadikan ia lebih dramatik, si ‘salesman’ ini pun membuat ‘panggilan’ kepada orang lebih atasan untuk memaklumkan sudah ada pemenang hadiah utama kononnya untuk membuktikan pada orang atasannya bahawa anda dan dia tidak kenal antara satu sama lain sebelum itu. Hakikatnya bukan orang atasan yang ingin diyakinkan, kemungkinan panggilan telefon itu pun hanya lakonan semata-mata. Mereka ingin meyakinkan anda dengan membuatkan anda merasa “bertuahnya aku hari ni!!!”

Kemudian ‘salesman’ yang berkenaan pun membuka catalog barang-barang di hadapan anda dan meminta anda membuat pilihan barang yang anda berminat untuk membeli. Harga barang-barang yang ditawarkan kadangkala antara RM500 hingga RM 2000, dan kebiasaannya barang-barang yang ditawarkan tidak ada di situ. Beserta dengan ‘baucar’ yang anda baru menangi anda perlu meletakkan duit muka terlebih dahulu dan si ‘salesman’ akan memberitahu bahawa dalam masa seminggu penghantaran akan dibuat atau orangnya akan datang ke rumah anda untuk membuat pemasangan. Setelah anda membuat pembayaran duit muka sebanyak 50% daripada harga barang yang dibeli anda pun pulang ke rumah dengan hati yang gembira kerana dapat membeli-belah bersama keluarga di tambah lagi dengan memenangi ‘baucar’ secara percuma. Mangsa hanya menyedari dia ditipu apabila selepas tempoh yang dijanjikan, tiada khabar berita yang diterima daripada si ‘salesman’ dan apabila pergi kembali ke pasaraya itu booth yang dicari sudah tiada lagi.

Annual Night 2013 #autumnlikeneverb4

I haven’t post anything new lately, so here’s the new update. Last night we had our college annual night dinner and the theme was Autumn: Like Never Before.  The top gun of the student council had been working hard and do their very best to make this year’s annual night dinner totally different from before.  Previously the venue will be at our very own Pathmanaban Hall, but this year we had it at Equatorial Hotel, Melaka. Personally, I think we did great along the way in preparing for the event, during the event and after it was over. Some unfortunate things did happened but that’s normal when you works with people. All in all good job MMMC student council 2013/2014!!! What a great way to end year 2013. *smile*


Monday, November 18, 2013

Only Time

Enya- Only time

Who can say where the road goes
Where the day flows, only time
And who can say if your love grows
As your heart chose, only time

Who can say why your heart sighs
As your love flies, only time
And who can say why your heart cries
When your love lies, only time

Who can say when the roads meet
That love might be in your heart
And who can say when the day sleeps
If the night keeps all your heart
Night keeps all your heart

Who can say if your love grows
As your heart chose
Only time
And who can say where the road goes
Where the day flows, only time


Sunday, November 3, 2013

Wira dan Putri (17)


Jam di dinding menunjukkan waktu 3.03 pagi. Sementara itu keadaan di luar pula, hujan sedang turun dengan sangat lebat beserta dengan bunyi guruh. Wira masih lagi berbaring di atas katil cuba untuk melelapkan mata. Dia cuba mengiring ke kanan dan ke kiri, menyelubung tubuhnya dengan selimut, tetapi masih gagal untuk membawa mindanya ke tahap alpha. Perasaannya terganggu, Wira pernah merasai perasaan seperti itu sebelum ini cuma dia tidak tahu perkara apa yang membuatkan dia berasa sebegitu.

Wira bangkit dari tempat tidurnya dan menuju ke bilik sebelah. ‘Tempat kerja’ di rumah, itulah yang diberitahu oleh Wira apabila rakan-rakanya bertanya tentang bilik itu. Bilik yang sederhana besar ruangnya di mana terdapat rak buku yang dibina sendiri oleh Wira memenuhi satu bahagian dinding. Wira mempunyai pelbagai genre buku daripada koleksi komik, majalah-majalah seperti National Geographic, novel-novel Melayu dan Inggeris sehinggalah kepada pelbagai buku rujukan dalam bidang sains dan sosial. Di suatu sudut yang lain terdapat sebuah meja yang sering digunakan oleh Wira untuk membuat kerjanya. Di dalam bilik yang sama juga terdapat sebuah skrin TV besar yang terpasang di dinding dan digunakan oleh Wira untuk bermain playstation setelah penat melakukan kerja. Terdapat juga beberapa buah almari kaca di mana Wira meletakkan kesemua action figure yang dibelinya, kanak-kanak sangat suka melihat koleksi action figurenya.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

I don't have a child

She was sitting there alone, watching small kids running, laughing, playing happily at the playground. Then she was approached by a lady with a stroller. The lady smiled at her, “can I sit here?” She smiled back at her, 

“Oh yes, please.”

“Where’s your kid?”

“Oh no, I come here alone. I just like to watch them playing.”

Then they started to talk about themselves and get to know each other. She told the lady that she’d been married to her husband for 5 years now and they still don’t have a child. She said she’s always feeling jealous every time she saw couple walk around with kids. She felt lonely. Her sister is blessed with four kids and her brother has 5 kids.

“We have extra rooms in the house, cars, and enough money to raise children, but still we are not bless with children yet.”

Friday, September 20, 2013

Valley of Ambiguity

Many years ago when I was still in high school, I was very clear about my future planning, what I want to do later after finishing high school, then after graduating from college I hope to work at a place close to my hometown, then buy a car, later a house and only after that I will get married.

Those were my thoughts at that time. I was so naive to think that life is that simple like driving on a highway, everything will happen according to the plan, but I was wrong.

Sometimes when we drive on a highway, something  unexpected happen that leave us no choice but to take another route and to make a small amendment in our plan. And when we want to make that small amendment, once in a while we had to make small sacrifice.

For the past three years there are several important events that had occurred in my life. The truth may be hard to handle, even harder to accept. But Allah always has better plans for us. If it's meant to be, it will be.

But I never blame anyone, what else The Creator Himself for those unexpected things that had happened in my life. I take it as a challenge and as a motivation for me to be more prepared in the future.

Yes, this life is full of ambiguity. We don’t know what will happen in the future. People change. People live. People die. Things exist. Things disappear. Everything in this world is in motion. If we sit and do nothing we will be left behind. If we sit and do nothing we will lost in the valley of ambiguity.


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

You've changed me

I have a confession to make. I’m a hot tempered person. Oh yes I’m not joking about this. I’m a hot tempered person. I will raise my voice, shout and to a certain point I will throw stuff when things are getting on my nerves. I used to do all that when I’m angry at person or things, until that day….

I was alone at home with my five years old brother. Something happened that morning and I wasn't in a good mood, so I just stayed in my room and my brother was doing something. It was raining cats and dogs outside. Then the phone rang, it was my mom. She told me to make sure my brother took a shower before she reached home. He was watching cartoon on tv and I had no choice but to disturb him. He refused to go to the bathroom, stiffen his body and doesn't want to move a bit. I was a bit infuriated at that time with his attitude, so I pulled out the tv plug and took him to the shower.

After shower, I wanted to put on the clothes to him but still he stiffened his body and didn’t allow me to put on the shirt to him. Suddenly I exploded with anger, “KENAPA NI DANIAL!? KENAPA SUSAH SANGAT NAK PAKAI BAJU NI!? MANDI SUSAH, INI SUSAH~” I took a folding chair and hit it on the floor then I leave the room. After that there was a loud thunder sound and the main switchboard got tripped. I turned on the main switch and went to the room to check on my little brother, he was sitting in one corner of the room face down. I called my brother “Danial~” he looked at me with a sad face for a moment and then turned his face down again.

That is when I realized that I've turned into someone that I don’t want to be, someone who couldn't control his anger. I felt very guilty to my brother. He’s a down syndrome, he might not know anything or the reason why I became so angry, but I’m pretty sure from the way he looked at me that he was so scared of me. I don’t want to be like that. I walked to him, I sat next to him and I hugged my little brother, I hugged him tightly. “Sorry Danial~”

Since that day, bit by bit I try to learn to control myself when I’m angry. I don’t want to be a scary person, especially to my family. I’m supposed to look after him and protect my little brother. I’m all he has if my parents are not around anymore one day. Don’t worry Danial I will always look after you as long as I can till my last breath, you know why? Because you've changed me.


Monday, September 2, 2013

Tanda Putera: Perlukah dipolitikkan?

Pada 31 Ogos baru-baru ini, penulis berkesempatan untuk menonton sebuah filem tempatan yang telah mencetus kontroversi baru-baru ini iaitu Tanda Putera arahan Shuhaimi Baba. Sebenarnya, penulis tertarik untuk pergi ke panggung menonton filem ini setelah terbaca beberapa artikel dan rencana yang menyatakan filem ini tidak sesuai untuk ditayangkan di Malaysia, dan penayangannya sudah beberapa kali ditangguhkan akibat daripada isu kontroversi tersebut. Sebelum anda membaca dengan lebih lanjut, suka untuk penulis ingatkan segala yang diperkatan di sini adalah pandangan peribadi penulis sendiri dan mungkin akan ada sedikit kebocoran tentang plot filem tersebut.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Movie Pick of The Week (20) #KIL

Raya tahun ini saya beraya di Kuala Lumpur bersama-sama dengan keluarga sebelah abah. Selepas penat memandu selama beberapa jam, saya baring dihadapan TV. Kemudian pakcik saya pun tanya “Khairul dah tengok cerita KIL?” saya yang kepenatan hanya menjawab “belum, takpela boleh juga nak tengok.”

Pada babak pembukaan sahaja, filem KIL ini sudah menarik minat saya dan membuatkan untuk duduk di atas sofa. Saya terus menonton filem itu daripada pukul 12 tengah malam sehingga hampir ke pukul 2 pagi. Jalan ceritanya sangat menarik, walaupun pelakon-pelakon utamanya masih baru tetapi lakonan mereka sangat mantap. Yang paling saya suka adalah dialog dalam filem tersebut yang sangat bersahaja dan ia mengingatkan saya pada filem-filem arahan arwah Yasmin Ahmad. Pada saya Nik Amir Mustapha telah melakukan satu kerja yang sangat baik untuk kali pertama. Saya akan terus memberi sokongan dan menanti filem arahannya yang akan datang. Pastikan ada menonton filem lakonan Redza Minhat dan Cristina Suzanne jika berkesempatan, dapatkan DVD yang original memang berbaloi.


Sunday, July 7, 2013

"Buying" Time

They say money can buy only physical things but it cannot buy things that we cannot see. Things like loyalty, trust, happiness, freedom, and love. What about time, can we buy time? I’m not talking about buying time to prolong our lives like the one in the movie In Time. What I mean by buying time here is we don’t have to wait for a long time doing certain things, so that we can have more time attending to other important things, or so we think that they are important.

Not convinced yet? I can give few examples. There is new movie showing in the cinema and you plan to watch it with your best friends. Your friends ask you to buy the tickets first. If you are to go there and queue to get the tickets it will takes you 15-20 minutes top, but if you buy the ticket online you can save the waiting time and it only costs you RM1 extra.

You work in Johor and have a meeting with potential clients in KL. You can drive for 4hours from JB to KL and hope that the traffic is not congested, or you can take a 45minutes flight from Senai to Subang and have more time to prepare yourself before meeting the clients. Of course the flight will cost you more money but it saves more of your time.

I’ll give another proof. Traditionally the wife will do most of the things like cooking, laundry, cleaning and also prepare the kids for school. In the beginning they still can manage with time, but as time passes by they will start complaining to the husband, “I can’t do everything at once la dear, can you find a maid to help me at home?” I’m not saying that this wife is lazy, she has a point there. Have to wake up in the middle of night because the baby is crying, not enough sleep, then have to prepare breakfast before you go to work, again the baby cry have to change the diaper, elder son still sleeping and he is already late for school so mother has to run upstairs and wake him up. It’s crazy!!! If you can pay RM8000 (recent) for a housemaid, then your wife can ask the maid to help with the laundry and cleaning so she will have more time to look after the kids and you.

If that’s the case, then those people with big fat wallets are at advantage don’t you think? One thing we have to keep in mind is The Almighty God is just. Everything comes with a price. You can have all the time you want, but if you don’t know how to manage it there is no different. You spend more time with your family, but do you think you have a quality time with them or everybody just doing their own work? That’s us, we tend to neglect things when we have them and only regret things once they are gone.

“Demi Masa! Sesungguhnya manusia itu dalam kerugian. Kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh, dan mereka pula berpesan-pesan dengan kebenaran serta berpesan-pesan dengan sabar. (Quran: 103:1-3)


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Movie Pick of The Week (19)

The other day I watched Now You See Me with Yati and Pian at TGV Tebrau, so I just want to share my personal review about the movie. I don’t know how to say this, but if you have seen The Prestige before this, the story line is pretty much the same. It’s about a group of magicians, their state of the art magic trick and also some personal conflicts. Biasa la, even animal also got problem what? Just a lame joke. The thing that I like about this kind of movie is, it allows the audience to play guess-who-is-the-real-culprit game as we sit and watch the whole movie. It’s interesting!!! Plus there are Morgan Freeman, Isla Fisher, ‘the hulk’, ‘mark zuckerberg’, ‘uncle Alfred’ and another 2 dudes who make the movie more alive and awesome!!!

“Anything that starts with Morgan Freeman’s voice is worth all our intention”


Saturday, June 8, 2013

Wira dan Putri (16)


Setelah hampir beberapa tahun bekerja di Paris, Wira kini telah kembali ke tanah air. Dalam tempoh 3 tahun di sana, banyak perkara yang telah dia lalui dan pelajari disamping dengan pelbagai pengalaman yang sukar untuk dilupakan. Sepanjang berada disana, Wira gigih mencari dan berkongsi idea dengan rakan-rakan perniagaannya di sana. Kembalinya ke tanah air kali ini dengan penuh semangat dan azam baru untuk terus lebih berjaya bersama-sama dengan syarikatnya.

Adi menuggu ketibaan Wira di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur. Teman waktu susah dan senang Wira semenjak dari zaman sekolah hinggalah sekarang. Tidak pernah sekali pun Adi menolak sekiranya Wira memerlukan bantuan daripadanya. Adi juga sangat memahami Wira. Wira bukanlah seorang yang suka meminta pertolongan daripada orang lain, melainkan jika dia dalam keadaan yang sangat terdesak.

Pernah suatu ketika, mereka keluar bersama-sama bermain bowling. Apabila hendak pulang, Adi akan bertanya kepada Wira jika dia hendak Adi menghantarnya ke stesen bas atau teksi yang terdekat. Seperti biasa Wira akan menjawab “tak apa, aku naik bas dekat je~”. Tetapi pada malam itu, Adi yang memandu kereta mengekori Wira secara rahsia. Pada mulanya, dia berasa lucu melihat kelakuan Wira yang berjalan sejauh 10km ke pasaraya Giant. Wira membeli sesuatu sebelum pulang ke rumah dengan menaiki bas. Selepas dari itu, Adi akan bertegas untuk mengahantar Wira setiap kali mereka pergi bermain bowling bersama.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Love you always.

I’m sorry for writing this but I don’t think I can endure to keep this feeling with me any longer. I tried to write about you several times before this, but each and every time I decided to keep those thoughts with me because I don’t want to cause sadness to others too, especially Along. Whenever I miss you, I’ll go to your blog and read those wonderful and inspiring words of yours, and the tears will come. I miss you so much. I miss laughing to the jokes that you made, I miss listening to your insight about things, I miss when kita sama-sama kacau syira, I miss to go out and hangout with you at mamak watching football match. I always pray for you there to be under Allah’s blessing and mercy, and I pray to Allah that we will meet and be together again in Jannah. Love you always brother. Al-Fatihah.


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Welcome to the family princess!!!

In the name of ALLAH, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Last Thursday morning 11 April 2013, 0800 hours I received a good news from mak, Along had delivered her baby at Hospital Penawar Pasir Gudang at exactly 0704 hours. Alhamdulillah, the baby girl weight 3.2kg and both mother and baby are doing great.

How do I feel? To be honest, I have a mixed feeling when I read the text message from my mom, after that abah sent me the picture of the baby. I’m happy because both my sister and the baby are fine, but at the same time when I think about how happy Bang Fee will be holding his daughter, smiling and proudly say “Angah, I’m a father now!!” I’ll feel like crying inside.

I choose not to be carried away with those sad feeling, focus more on the bright side. I’m an uncle now, Pak Ngah, Ayah Ngah, Uncle Ngah, Uncle Khairul, mana-mana pun boleh. *SMILE* I’m Hanee’s godfather now, so don’t play-play with me. Hehehe. 

Nur Hanee Binti Hanafee, dia adalah amanah yang Bang Fee tinggalkan kepada kami, yang akan sentiasa membuatkan kami rindu dan mengingati  Bang Fee. We will look after her, show her love and take a good care of your daughter Hanee, mudah-mudahan menjadi anak yang solehah InsyaAllah.


Saturday, March 23, 2013

Facts about Virgo errr… Me

#Virgo would prefer to keep to themselves than make unnecessary small talk or be in an awkward situation.

#Virgos are very strong minded but always worried about being good enough.

#Virgos are not the overly mad/angry type. They're more of the overly annoyed type.

#Virgos have a keen sense of seeing through a person's lies and BS, but they usually don't like making people look stupid.

Never underestimate a #Virgos "eye." They pay attention to the smallest things and when you thought it went unnoticed, they saw it.

#Virgos are not cold and unemotional people. They are reserved and don't associate with people they don't care for.

A #Virgo could be totally confident in a decision and 5 minutes later go back and forth in their head on whether they should do it or not.

You only have so many chances with a #Virgo, they take a step away with every inconsiderate thing you do

Sometimes a #Virgo will care less, to see if you'll care more.

Ignoring #Virgo will get you nowhere but erased and replaced.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Muslim and His Neighbor: Melakans

Before this I heard many things about orang Melaka. They said orang Melaka don’t like Johoreans, they are very rude when talking to others, bila orang datang ke rumah dia sambut dengan “puji-pujian” dulu lepas tu baru dipelawanya masuk. Either all those things are true or not, you have to meet one truly pure Melakans and be friend with them only then you can know things for sure. *smile*

For me, I have been staying in Melaka for almost 5 months now and so far I think Melaka is a very nice place to stay. The people here are nice too. There was one time when I was on my way back walking to the hostel from  Melaka General Hospital, one Pakcik offered me a ride to the hostel.  At that moment I was like faith in humanity is restored. *smile* I feel comfortable to say “morning uncle!” to the uncle at the grocery shop and to my new neighbors. This morning only when I sapu sampah kat luar, the uncle next door say morning to me and we had a morning talk macam makcik-makcik in those typical Malay dramas, I was cleaning the drain and he was watering the flowers (hehehe). When people are being nice to us, smile, say hello, you’ll feel happy and it makes your day even more wonderful and ceria kan.

Kita hidup bermasyarakat kena la “mesra alam”, bukan dengan geng-geng kita je, dengan orang berlainan agama dan bangsa pun kita kena mesra juga la. Because some people are not like that, they restrict their good treatment only to neighbors who are related to him or who are Muslims. There was a story, Abdullah ibn  Amr had a sheep salughtered and he asked his slave,

“Did you give some meat to our Jewish neighbor? For I heard the Prophet say, ‘Jibreel kept on enjoining the good treatment of neighbors to the extent that I thought he would include neighbors as heirs,” (Bukhari and Muslim)

“Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them, for Allah loves those who are just.”  (Quran 60:8)

So be nice to those people around you, smile to them, InsyaAllah people will be nice to us and our loved ones.


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Legoland Malaysia

Last Saturday we went to Legoland Malaysia in Nusajaya. I took the bus from Masai to JB Sentral and then pay RM23 for the cab to AEON Bukit Indah. We had our breakfast there. Around 9.30am we made our way to Legoland Malaysia, wooohhooooo!!! The entrance fee (RM140) for adult, luckily we had Legoland vouchers so we don’t have to pay for the full ticket price.

Once I entered the park, I feel like 15 years younger *hehehe*. There are boat ride, roller coaster, large scale Lego statues, 4D studio, etc. but we didn’t play all the games, banyak jalan-jalan cuci mata je~ One thing that I like the most is the Miniland. The details of the structures were superb!!! Feel like having one of those in my home later *cewah*

Monday, March 4, 2013

Mini Reunion #SDARians #ZeroDeuxSix

22-24hb Februari 2013, saya berpeluang bejumpa dengan kawan-kawan rapat daripada SDAR. Mini reunion je, tak ramai pun. Asalnya ingatkan dapat berkumpul  5 orang, tapi bila sampai tarikh yang dijanjikan cuma dapat berkumpul 3 orang sahaja, saya, Atif dan Paan. Aniq dan Mat Ker tak dapat nak datang atas beberapa sebab yang tak dapat nak dielakkan. Takpelah mungkin lain kali boleh berjumpa lagi, masing-masing dah duduk dekat-dekat, nak jumpa bila-bila masa roger je yang lain. *senyum*

Kali terakhir saya berjumpa dengan Atif adalah 3 tahun lepas dan Paan 2 tahun lepas, jadi boleh kata rindu habis la *gelak* (tiada maksud tersirat). Macam biasa, bila dah lama tak berjumpa tak sah kalau tak cerita balik kisah-kisah lama masa zaman sekolah dulu, sakit perut gelak berdekah-dekah #IniSemuaSalahAtif. Entah kenapa, setiap kali berjumpa mesti kitorang pergi ke MidValley (datang jauh-jauh jumpa dekat mall!!??), main bowling (atif dah banyak improve) dan tengok wayang. Ingatkan hari tu nak bergerak ke lowyatt tapi bila hari dah petang, masing-masing mata dah berat jadi kitorang pun balik Bangi lepas makan tengah hari, sampai ada yang terlentok-lentok dalam komuter masa balik. *berdekah*

Malam tu kitorang lepak sekali dengan kawan-kawan paan dekat mamak, main bowling (LAGI!!??) dan lepas tu gerak ke Bukit Ampang yang mana saya baru pertama kali sampai. Tak buat apa pun kat situ, cuma duduk-duduk sembang-sembang sambil tengok pemandangan malam *cantik*. Esoknya, kitorang lepas makan tengah hari terus bergerak ke Putrajaya jumpa kawan-kawan matrik saya pula. Terima kasih la Atif sanggup datang jauh bawak moto daripada Ipoh semata-mata untuk mini reunion ni. Bila dah berjumpa kerja asyik makan aje kitaorang ni, agaknya memang dah genetic budak SDAR kuat makan kot hehehe. Hopefully next mini reunion dapat pergi vacation kat mana-mana dengan diorang ni, masa tu jangan ada yang makin "mengembang" sudahla. *senyum*

