Monday, October 3, 2011

Why I Choose to Follow Religion? (3)

In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Under His guidance I wish to continue, discussing about an article that I read a while ago. It is said that Islam is the youngest religion as it came late in the time of Prophet Muhammad Pbuh when Judaism, Christianity, Torah and Bible are already there. I believe that Islam has come into existence since the creation of the world. I believe all other prophets from Adam Pbuh till Isa Pbuh demonstrated the same teaching:

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

112:1 Say: He, Allah, is One.

112:2 Allah is He on Whom all depend.

112:3 He begets not, nor is He begotten;

112:4 And none is like Him.a

Prophet Muhammad Pbuh is the last prophet that explains and completes everything that we need to know. I don’t blame any Muslim if he thinks that Islam is the youngest religion because the ways we learn about history in school make us think of it that way. We separate Sirah of the prophets from the world civilization. In the end we’re unable to see the connection between Islam and world civilization. Hopefully those brilliant minds in the field of world history will come up with a new segment in History channel “The times of Prophets and World Civilization” or even write a book about it. I will surely buy one. *smile* Last but not least, regarding the claim that being a Muslim will make you perfect. Nobody is perfect. There is a say:

semua manusia adalah sama disisi Allah S.W.T. Yang membezakan antara satu sama lain adalah takwa (ketaatan)”

This verse clearly stated that every human being is equal regardless if you are the leader of the world or a person who picks up trash at the park . The Almighty God will value your deeds based on your level of Taqwa, but first you must have a firm belief that He, Allah, Is One and Prophet Muhammad S.A.W is His messenger. The rest, He will decide our fate in the hereafter either we go to the heaven or the hell fire, not the Bishop, Guru, Sifu, Ulama or anyone else. Wallahualam.

Why I choose to follow religion? (1)

Why I choose to follow religion? (2)


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