Monday, March 24, 2014

Selfie: When to do, When not to.

I have always talk about serious issues in this blog, so this time I decided to write about something less serious than the usual stuff that I usually post in this page of mine. Most of us know what ‘selfie’ is right? It is a type of self-potrait photograph, typically taken with a hand-held camera or camera phone by the person him/herself and so the term ‘selfie’ came into use. It is either they take the picture at a very high or very low angle.

When ‘selfie’ first became a trend, I really can’t understand why people want to take a picture that way, and the most annoying thing is when these people post their ‘selfie’ pictures almost every day in social network site like facebook!!! Since they are in my friend list, their posts keep appearing in my timeline and I was mentally abused by these people. The only logic I can think of is, these people must be that they are suffering from a condition known as chronic narcissism *pun intended*.

After sometime people get creative and they are now able to use ‘selfie’ in an appropriate way, and I can still tolerate to this kind of ‘selfie’. So these are my personal guideline for doing ‘selfie’. Do ‘selfie’ only;

When you go for vacation at some place, and you want to prove it to your friends that you have been there physically. TAKE SELFIE

When you go for a gathering and want to take a group picture and you want everybody including you, the photographer to be included in the picture. TAKE SELFIE

Other than these two reasons if you are in my friends list, please, please, please I’m begging you not to post your ‘selfie’ pictures in the social network. Masuk public toilet selfie, keluar jamban selfie, masuk restoran selfie, makanan sampai selfie, habis makan selfie, naik kereta selfie, nak tidur selfie, bangun tidur selfie.  That is totally not normal okay!!! Yes, I know that you are pretty or handsome or baby-face but please be moderate people. You can consider this as my kind and polite advice. A true friend will point out the good and the bad in you, I'm trying to be one for you. *smile*


1 comment:

Sabrina said...

Hahaha. Eh biarlah diorang nak selfie memanjang. Their level of confidence is very very high when it comes to that.
