Sunday, May 23, 2010


I just finished solving one SUDOKU puzzle when wrote this post. How to take care of your brain? Just like your muscle, there are things that you can do to make sure your brain is in its top condition:

Brain needs food. We eat lot of proteins to enhance the growth of our muscle, so the same things we need for our brain too. FOOD. The best diets for our brain development are fish, dates and milk. For the fish, make sure not to eat the fish head because that part is not good for our brain development. Seafood is rich with iodine that plays a major role in the formation of thyroid hormone (hormone that responsible for the development of brain). That is why pregnant women are suggested to eat a regular diet of fish during the pregnancy period.

Brain needs oxygen. Oxygen is very important to our brain. The reason why, we always feel tired and exhausted is because there is not enough oxygen supply to the brain. Then what is the solution. Take a break 2-5 minutes, move your head joints upward-downward, side-to-side, moves your jaw. This will help to increase blood supply to the brain. Do some regular exercise, once a fortnight is okay but if you can do it every week is a ‘well done’. Simple exercise like walking at the park will do. Skipping.

Brain needs to be trained. We do workout routines to build up our muscles. Our brain also needs some workout. This can be done by playing some simple games or puzzles. Certain console games like Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil, Ominusha and God of War do involve thinking skill in it (this is my opinion only). Board games like Chess and RISK are one of the kinds that require the players to use their brain to play. Or you can start ‘playing’ with SUDOKU puzzle. One may not realize this, as he keeps solving the puzzles there’s also some improvement in the time taken to solve the puzzles. (This is what my sisters and I do)

Last but not least, Reading Quran. By doing this, I think it will helps to ‘teach’ our brain, our mind what is right and what is wrong. This is the most significant point. How often have we seen, a genius turns into mad person, serial killer, suicide bomber, robber. That is because they have the ‘brain’ but it can’t differentiate between good and evil, right or wrong. Read Quran, try to understand the meaning and InshaAllah it will guide us to righteousness.


Friday, May 21, 2010


12/5/10, 5.58hours

Bad attitude 1- I tend to push people away. But that doesn’t mean I don’t care about them.

Bad attitude 2- Easily get bored with things. Unless it keeps changing.

Yeah that’s right, easily get bored with things and person (sounds rude huh!). Do you really want to look at a person with that kind of ‘face’? Most of the time. Stay away from them, only for AWHILE. Take a break. That way I will not get bored with him/her, and he/she will not be offended by my expressionless face. Bukan ada peribahasa “sayang anak tangan-tangankan, sayang bini tinggal-tinggalkan” I think it’s applicable in friendship too. Dalam erti kata lain, saya sayang keluarga dan kawan-kawan saya, sebab itu saya tinggal-tinggalkan mereka. ­=)

But seriously, once in awhile we should try to take a break from all those people. You know, do some reflection, muhasabbah diri. We do need the feeling of being left alone, being ignored by others since they will not always be there for us. Try to get control of our emotion during the most difficult part in our life, but not to be emotionless. The day will come, when you feel like nobody can help you. I always think the best way for us to learn is through PAIN. If you are a fighter and you should be, you will get up and fight till the end. That is what I call a survivor.

Dan bila esok datang kembali
Seperti sedia kala
Dimana kau bisa bercanda

Perlahan kaupun lupakan aku
Mimpi burukmu
Dimana t'lah kutancapkan duri tajam
Kaupun menangis, menangis sedih
Maafkan aku

Bukan maksudku, bukan inginku
Melukaimu sedarkah kau
Di sini kupun terluka
Melupakanmu, menepikanmu
Maafkan aku

Lupakanlah saja diriku
Bila itu bisa membuatmu
Kembali bersinar dan berpijar
Seperti dulu kala

Caci maki saja diriku
Bila itu bisa membuatmu
Kembali bersinar
Dan berpijar seperti dulu kala

“A champion is a lone ranger”


Sunday, May 16, 2010


Post kali ini khas untuk semua insane yang bergelar Pendidik dan Ibu. Diwujudkan Hari Guru dan Hari Ibu bukanlah bermakna mereka hanya dikenang pada hari itu sahaja. Sumbangan dan pengorbanan mereka akan sentiasa berada dalam ingatan dan InsyaAllah akan diwariskan kepada generasi seterusnya. Hari istimewa ini adalah untuk kita, insan yang digelar ‘ANAK’ untuk memberi komitmen dan penghargaan secara khusus kepada mereka yang bergelar IBU dan PENDIDIK.

Sepertimana, umat ISLAM yang diwajibkan untuk mendirikan solat 5 waktu sehari semalam untuk mengingati Allah. Bukan maksudnya kita hanya mengingati Allah pada 5 waktu tersebut. Kita sentiasa mengingati Allah setiap masa cuma pada 5 waktu yang ditetapkan itu sangat istimewa nilainya, kerana pada waktu itu kita memberi komitmen yang sepenuhya untuk bertemu Sang Pencipta.

Ibu. Pendidik. Menjalankan tanggungjawab, amanah Tuhan tanpa berebelah bagi. Mendidik ANAK-ANAK menjadi insan berguna. Kerana kalian aku dapat membezakan baik dan buruk. Kerana kalian aku mendapat perlindungan pakaian dan tempat tinggal. Kerana kalian aku dapat membaca, mengira dan mengaji Al-Quran. Kerana kalian, aku mengenal dunia. Pesanan kalian akan aku ingat sentiasa.

Oh Ibu! Oh Pendidik! Kalian adalah insan yang sangat mulia. Keranamu IBU, aku dilahirkan di muka bumi ini. Keranamu PENDIDIK, aku menjadi insan yang berilmu. Kerana KALIAN, aku berada di mana aku berada sekarang. Sesungguhnya jasa kalian memang tidak dapat aku balas sampai bila-bila, hanya Tuhan sahaja yang dapat membalas segala pengorbanan kalian. Doaku, agar kalian sentiasa berada dibawah naungan perlindungan Sang Pengasih, diberi tubuh badan yang sihat, diberi kekuatan dan keazaman untuk terus menabur bakti kepada ‘ANAK-ANAK’. Akhir kata, untuk emak tercinta, penididik yang pernah mengajarku di Tadika Matahari, SK Taman Rinting 1, Sekolah Agama Taman Rinting, Sekolah Dato’ Abdul Razak (SDAR), Kolej Matrikulasi Johor, Kolej MARA Seremban, Melaka Manipal Medical College...



Saturday, May 15, 2010

Movie Pick of The Week (5)

(secara tak sengaja tertengok cerita Phantom of The Opera-2004, habis movie terus download soundtrack dia. My favorites 'Learn to be lonely' and 'Point of No Return') It is a musical movie of course.

Child of the wilderness
Born into emptiness
Learn to be lonely
Learn to find your way in darkness

Who will be there for you
Comfort and care for you
Learn to be lonely
Learn to be your one companion

Never dreamed out in the world
There are arms to hold you
You’ve always known your heart was on its own

So laugh in your loneliness
Child of the wilderness
Learn to Be lonely
Learn how to love life that is lived alone

Learn to be lonely
Learn to be your one companion

Never dreamed out in the world
There are arms to hold you
You’ve always known your heart was on its own

So laugh in your loneliness
Child of the wilderness
Learn to Be lonely
Learn how to love life that is lived alone

Learn to be lonely
Life can be lived life can be loved alone