Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Oh yes, I am very worried!!!

At this moment, all over the world people are talking about Sam Bacille and his film “Innocence of Muslims”. As a Muslim I am too, feel offended after hearing about it. All of us Muslims love our Prophet Muhammad (SAW), but never in my imagination that I think Prophet Muhammad will agree with the violence that some of us used to ‘teach’ those who are not-yet-Muslim. In my personal opinion, this is not right. We are angry with one person, but we are being outraged and hurting others. From what I see, what we did was approving to what they had said about Islam, that it is a religion that promoting terrorism. I remember one scene from the movie “Kingdom of Heaven” where the city was being surrounded by Salahuddin and his men, but they didn’t attack the city blindly. Salahuddin and the King of Jerusalem met each other face-to-face, and negotiated the term for what they think is best for both sides. ISLAM adalah ugama yang bertamadun, amuk yang melampau-lampau bukan ajaran ISLAM.

Let’s talk about Malaysia now shall we? I want to share with you guys what I feel now about this country. Few months back in the news, the media reported that Malaysia was one of the safest countries in the world. When I read the report and compared it with the crime cases reported in the newspaper, “one of the safest countries” really? Sorry, but I’m not convinced.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pictures: My Stuff

23rd Birthday gift!!!

Mine and conan's


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Malu Beragama??

Beberapa hari lepas, penulis ada menonton sebuah rancangan di TV Al-Hijrah saluran ASTRO. Dalam rancangan tersebut ada satu segmen di mana ustaz tersebut menghampiri orang awam yang sedang menunggu dan mengajaknya berzikir. Pakcik yang ditemuduga itu kelihatan malu-malu apabila diminta menyambung doa zikir yang dibaca, manakala si isteri yang duduk di sebelahnya hanya senyum-senyum sambil memandang ke arah lain. Kemudian penulis bertanya pada diri sendiri di dalam hati,

“kalau aku la kan, tetiba orang tak kenal datang ajak berzikir macam tu, aku boleh buat tak?”
Saban kali apabila melihat orang lain berbuat kebaikkan yang penulis sendiri tidak buat, hati ini akan terdetik “macam lemah je iman aku ni?” Persoalan yang penulis cuba lontarkan di sini adalah berkaitan tentang individu muslim segan mempamerkan identiti dirinya sebagai seorang yang beragama ISLAM. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Salam people. For the past 2 weeks I haven’t post anything on this blog so that was on me. Been busy with my comprehensive exams and beraya. Just want to share one song which I found very pleasing to the ears with you guys. I was in the car with my sister, and then this song was aired on the radio. I must say the lyrics really got me. “Siapa nyanyi lagu ni?” I asked my sister but she didn’t know, so I waited till the song ended. I did recognize the voice but I wasn’t sure because never before this I listened to her sang this genre. Honestly, this is a beautiful song Najwa Latif- AdaMu.

Merenung ke luar jendela
Melihat kebesarannya
Mensyukuri segala nikmat
Yang dikurniakan di dunia

Kau berikan ku kekuatan
Tuk berpegang pada jalan
Walau penuh dengan cabaran
Ku tahu ku adaMu Tuhan

Kerna kau yang satu
Yang setia bersama ku
Dikala ku jatuh ku bangkit kernaMu
Ku tahu ku adaMu disisi ku selalu 
Bantulah hambaMu mencari keredhaanMu
