Friday, June 10, 2011

Criminal Minds: Part Deux

I already stated my view saying crimes can be nurtured. Now the thing that we don't know is, crime can happens naturally in the sense that the person have some sort of disease which he can't control. This is what I want to share with you people.

Medically there's a condition called psychiatry disease which can be cognitive disorder or conation disorder. Cognitive is more to disorders of thought and perception like for example schizophrenia when the person said there are voices telling him to do this and that, or he perceive something which is not there. Conation is like the person brings the 'imaginary' thought into action like an arsonist/ pyromania (irresistible desire to set fire).

In a simple word mereka ni orang gila (sorry for the word I'm using). You can't blame them for crimes because they're unaware about what they were doing. Even though they are aware about it, they just don't know if it was right or wrong. That's why many people when they got caught, they try to pretend having mental problem so that they will not be punished for the crime (dan-dan nak mengaku gila, time lain bila orang panggil GILA marah plak). Too bad for them we have experts to identify feigned insanity.

So that's pretty much about crimes that happen naturally. I know we have this central dogma bila jenayah sahaja mesti orang jahat, bila bunuh je mesti orang jahat, but try to give ourselves a minute or two to put some thoughts for other possibilities whenever this thing happens. Jangan melatah cepat sangat. The most important thing is to keep reminding each other to be aware of their safety and well being (solat dan keluarga). We can make a difference. *smile*

"Berilmu untuk Berjasa"


1 comment:

wankhai said...

well, I did learn about Crime and Deviancy, a major topic for my Sociology paper back in KMS.

In Sociology, some sociologists see crime as functional. It is a needed element in society, to create order. In theory, crime cannot go extinct because if all people are good, the naughty will become the deviant. If all people are bad, either the "goody-two-shoes" or " the most anti-establishment" is the most deviant.

Yes,crime can be both nature and nurtured. There are studies which indicate that due to some illnesses ( outlined in your post), some people are more prone to committing violence and deviant acts.

However, crime as nurtured is a more widespread phenomenon, especially in light of psychology/psychoanalysis and sociology. A disturbance in mental health ( but not being mad) due to social constraints, trauma might account for many criminal acts done by people.

However, in sociolgy, we also see crime, violence and deviant acts used by both the establishment and anti-establishment as tool for order or displaying authority.

A murder by a group is not just a murder per se. There is so sociological phenomenon happening in the case of bashing,honor killing and so on.

And these, is my two cents.

Good night!

Wan Khai