Friday, October 22, 2010

Try To Understand

Have you ever felt that sometimes "PEOPLE JUST DON’T UNDERSTAND YOU". It hurts right just to have a thought like that. I’ve experienced it so many times. When this happen I’m pretty sure that you’ll feel so disappointed, sad, not in the mood etc. , especially when the person you love the most didn’t appreciate your feeling. *This is what we have in mind most of the time when we have an argument with someone*

When I was 13, I studied in Seremban and my family in Johor. It was my first time to be far away from my family and I was hoping that my parents would come and visit me once a month. What happen was, my father only came to visit me in the fourth month. Some of my friends their parents came to see them every week ,and at first I was quite disappoint with my parents for not realizing my needs. I need my Family. I assumed my parents didn’t understand what I want.

After some time I tried to rationalize their action. They drove from Johor to Seremban for 3.5 hours. Then they have to pay for the gas (RM50) and toll (RM35) -one way- just to visit me once. During that time, I just needed RM50 a month for my expenses so I thought rather than wasting RM170 just to come and see me for 3 hours it would be more economical if they just post the money. Although my parents didn’t actually explained to me like that, but that just me making an assumption. You know, just to ease those negative thoughts that I have and it works *smile*. I HAVE TO UNDERSTAND that they also have other priorities, my other siblings also need their attention.

That was when I learnt that IT’S OKAY if people that you know didn’t appreciate your feeling. I mean that was you being emotional which makes you think “people don’t understand me” but the truth is who knows if they understand you or not right. ^_^. Why don’t we ask this question to ourselves whenever we have that kind of thought

I expect others to understand what I want, but do I ever try to understand them too?”

Most of the time this problem was due to miscommunication mak tak faham anak, anak tak faham mak, suami tak faham isteri, kawan laki tak faham kawan perempuan... Such a small problem but as usual we always make it looks like such a big deal. Then mulalah nak masam-masam muka, tarik-tarik muka, merajuk sana-sini. *sigh* Yaw fellow tiada penyakit dalam dunia ini yang tak ada ubat kecuali mati, we just have TO BE CREATIVE. Men and women speak different language, old people and young people speak different language. How can you understand others language if you don’t learn from them right?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

skem, so true. i did experience this. Im in UTP, tronoh. my family is in KL..3 hours to come here. so i dont mind if they dont trouble themselves..but a bit jealos with my brother. he is in utim shah alam..he can go back every weekend..haha