Thursday, January 28, 2010


Terdetik untuk menulis tentang perihal EGO setelah sekian lama membekukan hasrat di dalam hati. Penulis merasakan kegagalan mangawal EGO itulah yang menjadi punca kepada kebanyakkan permasalahan. Kegagalan mangawal EGO yang penulis maksudkan adalah orang yang merasakan dirinya lebih superior daripada orang lain, lebih senior, lebih hebat, lebih berkuasa, dan segala macam ‘lebih’. Orang yang tinggi EGOnya merasakan dirinya paling penting, selfish.

Di Sekolah

Untuk mereka yang pernah bersekolah di sekolah berasrama, pasti sudah biasa dengan istilah seniority. Bukanlah ingin mengatakan yang seniority itu tidak baik semata-mata, tetapi seperti yang dikatakan pada awal tadi jika EGO itu tidak dikawal, buruk jadinya. ‘Teguran’ yang langsung tidak mendidik junior tersebut malah menanamkan sifat benci dan dendam. Kalau dulu kita ‘kena’ teruk dengan senior, perlukah kita buat benda yang sama kepada junior. Kenapa jadi macam ini? EGO tinggi. Niatnya bukan untuk mendidik adik-adik, tetapi untuk menunjukkan EGOnya, seniority, “aku paling taiko,so korang kena respect aku!!”

“Yang tua dihormati, yang muda disayangi”

Di Fast Food Restaurants

Pengalaman bekerja selama sebulan di restoran McDonald’s cukup bermakna buat penulis. Banyak yang penulis belajar dalam tempoh yang singkat itu sama ada daripada rakan sekerja mahu pun daripada pelanggan yang datang. Seorang pelanggan wanita yang baru datang ke restoran dengan sendirinya membersihkan meja di mana dia dan keluarganya sedang duduk. Kalau kita, mungkin akan tunggu sampai pekerja yang bersihkan, bila lambat dibersihkan mula la kita ‘naik darah’. Kalau keadaan dalam restoran itu sangat sibuk, apa salahnya kalau kita bersihkan sendiri . Jatuh ke maruah kita kalau buat macam itu? “Kenapa aku nak bersihkan, pekerja kan ada. Biarlah dia yang bersihkan.” EGO tinggi. Tapi kalau lambat jangan nak marah-marah, nanti hilang mood orang lain nak makan.

Dalam sesetengah perkara tidak salah kita mempertahankan EGO kita (dalam perihal agama, maruah bangsa dan Negara), tapi sekali-sekala kita perlu juga merendahkan EGO kita mengikut keadaan. Merendahkan EGO pula janganlah sampai orang boleh memperlekehkan kita sesuka hati. Islam itu sendiri menyuruh penganutnya menjaga maruah diri.

p/s: Post ini juga untuk mengingatkan penulis yang kadang-kala tidak dapat mengawal EGOnya. Mujurlah ada insan yang sudi menegur. Terima kasih.


Friday, January 22, 2010

Exams Celebration In Progress

Wow.. is this for real!!?? I've completed 2 blocks of my MBBS course in the first year already, and going to sit for the block exam in the first week of February. Cepatnya masa berlalu. This afternoon I just had my practical exam for physio. How was it?? I'll tell about it once the result comes out. =P I'm really looking forward for this block exam. It is not that I'm over-confident or what so ever. Me have a good feeling. Hope it doesn't cheats me.

"Some people dream of success... while others wake up and work hard at it."
I'll do my best to be the later.


Sunday, January 17, 2010

My Vespa And A Story Behind It.


As I promised before, I’m going to share a story about my Vespa. First and foremost from the beginning I didn’t plan to buy a bike here in INDIA, but thinking that I’m going to stay outside and it’s going to be quite a distance from our house to the Interact Building, so I decided to buy a bike. A Vespa.

Why Vespa?? Why not other type of bikes?? Well to answer that question, I’m just gonna say that I like to be a little different from others. Do something out of ordinary. Mostly people will say guys always with their Superbike, Pulsar, Harley Davidson, Royal Enfield. I do like those kind of bikes, but I like Vespa more. “Tak macho la bawak Vespa~”. If I do think like that, what’s that suppose to mean? It means that I’m more concern about what other thinks of me and my ride rather than my own satisfaction. Who cares about being macho, laju tak laju, bunyi ekzos. I like vespa because of the feeling of ‘santai’ when I ride it.

Being different...

What are you afraid of being different? It’s okay to be different, because being different means that you are special. You don’t have to follow what others do. You do things, because you believe that is the right and the best thing for you yourself (according to your faith of course). Just because it is the most up-to-date trend, doesn’t mean that you have to follow that trend too. You know what’s best for you. Just because everyone goes to that place, doesn’t mean you have to go with them. Just because all your friends have partner a.k.a girlfriend/boyfriend, doesn’t mean that you have to find one.

Ala nanti tak ramai kawan la~. Only those who really want to be friend with you will appreciate your friendship with him/her no matter how different/weird/freak you are. However, being different doesn’t mean that you can do whatever you like just because you want to look different from others. As long as it is not against tuntutan agama and Sunnah do it for the sake of ibadah.

‘Huduhnya’ kita kalau tidak kerana agama, hayatilah agama kerana agama itulah yang membentuk peribadi kita.”


Monday, January 11, 2010

Mood: Happy

I don’t know how to say this so I intend to describe my mood at this very moment in this post. I’m HAPPY. Although there are certain things that make me really uncomfortable but good things predominant the situation, so again I’m HAPPY. Does this have to do with the Anugerah Juara Lagu 24 (AJL24). Sort of. My favourite songs win, of course I’m HAPPY. Congrats to Faizal, Aizat and Black Mentor!!! Have a lil chat with my friends about the results, and then everyone started to get soo excited. Hahahaha (mereka comel)

Ahmad Khairul Anwar

bil.. die-hard-fan una ke~ hahaha... Faizal saket??

Takpe die kan 'Superman'...

superman mane bleh kalah...

Nabil Ghozali


aku support faizal tahir. xmng lak..

kire orait la no 3 tyme saket2 ni

Nurhayati Izad Abdul Aziz

rul: bt0l2! Mmg superman.. My her0~ =)

bil:loh, kaw pon spp0rt die ke..

Yey! Kte sme2 spp0rt!!

Husna Azmi

yeah!! go faizal..go faizal~~

Nurhayati Izad Abdul Aziz

yey!! Rse cm b'1 plak smue.. T'haru~

Husna Azmi

syahdu lak tetibe~~

Past few days, I Skyped with one of my classmates. Kinda boring that time so I just buzz her, and we have a little conversation. Seriously I rarely want to buzz my classmates because I always have this kind of thought that they might be busy doing something. That day I took the courage to start the conversation and I’m HAPPY.

I did watched one inspiring movie today. The message it tried to convey was priceless and I’m very grateful that I watched it. This movie was played in the cinema in 2005, lapok already so what. I’m HAPPY to watch it.

“... there is an idea, and ideas are bulletproof.”

Why am I keep saying HAPPY, HAPPY, and HAPPY. Dude, to be happy you can’t wait, do nothing and hoping for ‘happy’ to appear in front of your door. You must create it inside you only then happiness will appear in your life. Law of Attraction.


Saturday, January 2, 2010

India Chapter: Part5

"New Year, New Room"

We just move in our NEW house last week. Guess what, it is a banglo with four bedrooms, four bathrooms, and 2 kitchens (tapi duk makan luar juga). Seriously the house is super nice. I'm staying here with my other 3 friends (Redza, Awe, Farid) so it's like everyone got their own room, their own shower and toilet. Maximum Privacy. So, these are the pictures of my new room.

Bathroom and Wardrobe (kene tunjuk juga ke??)

My Typical Study Table

My Bed

Simple right?? I like it to be that way. Modern style, simple but nice. Try to make it looks like a hotel room, any idea?? *smile*
