"That's one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind".
-Neil Armstrong-
We always questioned about what others can do for us,
“What can the government do for the Rakyat?”
“What can the policemen do to make my neighbourhood safe 24/7?”
“What can the college...?”
“What can my parents...?”
But we hardly ever questioned to ourselves what we can do to help others. If today we can give our seat to a pregnant woman, maybe next time people will do the same to your mom or your wife. Is it that difficult to clean the public toilet after you used it? Why can’t we put the sweet wrapper in our pocket instead of buang sepah-sepah? “Ala~ bende kecik je, takdenye tercemar alam ni pasal satu plastic gula-gula.” Ok fine. Just imagine if 28, 276, 000 Malaysian think like that, and by the year 2100 we will not have enough space to live, then what?? Underwater?? Outerspace?? Sometimes we do want to do good things, but we afraid of what other people might say.. kan..kan.
“poyo la tu...”
“tunjuk baik depan cikgu..”
“tunjuk baik depan aweks..”
“tunjuk baik depan parents...”
“nak ‘pancing’ la tu”
Ask this question to yourself... Which one is better, people that do good to others (tak kisah la ade udang sebalik batu ke ape) and those who condemn others that do good?
There are people who go after our humanity
That tell you that the light in your heart is a weakness
Don’t believe it
It’s an old tactic of cruel people to kill kindness in the name of virtue
There’s nothing wrong with love, kindness
There are just times in life when we feel lost. It happens...
And it’s a bond